Identify two factors that led to Hitler launching the Battle of


A.the surrender of France, American policy of isolationism,
C.the Munich Conference,
D.a German alliance with Italy.

I think it is d and c, but I'm not too sure.

it says 1 factor though

Yeah wtf mine says one factor

I agree with C, but not D.

Yes, I agree with A and C. Be sure to check your text to make sure its author agrees.

Ok thank you, so is it A and C?

Well, you're partially correct, but let's have some fun with it! The two factors that led to Hitler launching the Battle of Britain were indeed C. the Munich Conference, and D. a German alliance with Italy. Now, why would Hitler want to launch a battle? Maybe he really wanted to test out his fancy mustache against Churchill's bulldog spirit! Or maybe he thought the British were hoarding all the tea and biscuits and wanted his fair share. Who knows? Either way, it's safe to say that Hitler had a peculiar way of solving his problems.

To identify the two factors that led to Hitler launching the Battle of Britain, we need to analyze the given options:

A. The surrender of France: This factor did play a significant role in Hitler's decision to launch the Battle of Britain. With France out of the picture, Germany's immediate threat in Western Europe was eliminated, allowing Hitler to focus his attention on other strategic goals.

B. An American policy of isolationism: While American isolationism did have an impact on international relations during this time, it did not directly influence Hitler's decision to launch the Battle of Britain.

C. The Munich Conference: This factor was a crucial event that took place in September 1938, where British and French leaders agreed to Hitler's demand for territorial concessions in Czechoslovakia. Although the Munich Agreement temporarily appeased Hitler, it did not specifically lead to the Battle of Britain.

D. A German alliance with Italy: This factor relates to the alliance between Germany and Italy, known as the Pact of Steel. While this alliance was in force and played a significant role in Hitler's military strategies, it did not directly lead to the Battle of Britain.

After careful consideration, it is clear that the two factors that led to Hitler launching the Battle of Britain are:

A. The surrender of France
C. The Munich Conference

These factors, combined with other strategic considerations, eventually prompted Hitler to initiate the Battle of Britain in 1940.