Johns ate 3/8 of a pizza how much was left?

A whole pizza is 8/8.

(8/8) - (3/8) = ?

What do you think?


To determine how much pizza was left after John ate 3/8 of it, you subtract the portion he ate from the whole pizza.

Given that the pizza initially had 1 whole unit, the amount left can be calculated as:

1 - (3/8)

To simplify this operation, you need to find a common denominator for 1 and 3/8, which is 8.

1 can be written as 8/8 to have the same denominator.

Now, the calculation becomes:

(8/8) - (3/8) = 5/8

Therefore, 5/8 or 5 out of 8 slices of the pizza were left after John ate 3/8.