The total distance the plane flies from Chicago to New York City is 792 miles. The flight is 2 hours and 5 minutes long. The plane flies at about the same speed during the trip.• Round the flight time to the nearest hour.

About how far will the plane fly in 30 minutes?
• Explain how you found your answer.

800 / 4 = about 200 miles in 30 minutes

To find out how far the plane will fly in 30 minutes, we can use the information given about the flight time and the total distance.

First, let's convert the flight time from hours and minutes to just minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can multiply the number of hours (2) by 60 and then add the number of minutes (5):

2 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 120 minutes
120 minutes + 5 minutes = 125 minutes

The flight time rounded to the nearest hour is 2 hours.

Now, we need to find out how far the plane will fly in 30 minutes. Since the plane flies at about the same speed during the entire trip, we can assume that its speed is constant.

To find the average speed of the plane, we can divide the total distance by the rounded flight time:

792 miles / 2 hours = 396 miles per hour

Now that we know the average speed of the plane is 396 miles per hour, we can calculate how far it will fly in 30 minutes. Since the speed is given in miles per hour, we need to convert the 30 minutes to hours by dividing it by 60:

30 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 0.5 hours

Finally, we can multiply the average speed of the plane (396 miles/hour) by the time in hours (0.5 hours) to get the distance traveled in 30 minutes:

396 miles/hour * 0.5 hours = 198 miles

Therefore, the plane will fly about 198 miles in 30 minutes.