[Note: I did the first half of this question by myself and got it correct. But I got the second half wrong]


How much work does the electric field do in moving a proton from a point with a potential of +160 V to a point where it is -45 V ? Express your answer in joules.

Answer: Wba= 3.3x10^-17 J

Part 2 Question:

Express your answer in electron volts. (Express your answer using two significant figures.)

Answer: Wba=_______ eV

I got 205986 eV but it was marked as incorrect. I really need help on this, please.

did you see the two sig fig part?


To calculate the work done in electron volts (eV), we can use the formula:

1 eV = 1.6 x 10^-19 J

Given that Wba = 3.3 x 10^-17 J, we can convert it to electron volts (eV) by dividing by the conversion factor:

Wba (in eV) = (3.3 x 10^-17 J) / (1.6 x 10^-19 J/eV)

The units "J" cancel out, leaving us with the work done expressed in electron volts (eV). So, let's calculate it:

Wba (in eV) = (3.3 x 10^-17) / (1.6 x 10^-19)

Dividing these values, we get:

Wba (in eV) ≈ 205.4 eV

Therefore, the work done in electron volts (eV) is approximately 205.4 eV. It seems there was a slight rounding error in your calculation that caused the discrepancy.