To enhance children's creativity, it's best to do which of the following?

A. Teach children techniques and the proper use of tools as they're developmentally ready
B. Teach children the correct way to draw an item such as a person
C. Use a hands-off approach to children's art work
D. Instruct children on the proper colors to paint items

my answer is a.

Right again! A.

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome Priscilla.

Yes, you are correct! Option A, "Teach children techniques and the proper use of tools as they're developmentally ready," is the best choice to enhance children's creativity. Now, let me explain why it is the correct answer and why the other options are not as effective:

A. Teach children techniques and the proper use of tools as they're developmentally ready:
This option supports children's creativity by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to express themselves through their art. By teaching them techniques and the proper use of tools, children can explore different mediums and develop their artistic abilities at their own pace.

B. Teach children the correct way to draw an item such as a person:
While it is important for children to learn basic drawing skills, teaching them the "correct" way to draw specific items might restrict their creativity. Each child has their own unique style and imagination, and encouraging them to explore different approaches can help foster their creativity.

C. Use a hands-off approach to children's artwork:
While it is essential to respect and value children's artistic expression, a completely hands-off approach may not necessarily enhance their creativity. Providing gentle guidance, feedback, and support can help children learn new techniques, refine their skills, and expand their creative thinking.

D. Instruct children on the proper colors to paint items:
Similar to option B, instructing children on the "proper" colors to use can limit their creativity. Allowing children to select and experiment with different colors helps them develop their own artistic style and express themselves freely.

In summary, option A is the best choice because it balances teaching techniques and tool usage with allowing children the freedom to explore their own creative ideas and preferences.