Find the dimensions of a rectangular solid for which the sum of all the edges is 76, the total surface area is 206 square units, and the volume is 165 cubic units.

let the length, the width and the height be

a , b, and c respectively

make a sketch to see that
4a + 4b + 4c = 76 ---> a+b+c = 19
or c = 19 - a - b
2ab + 2ac + 2bc = 206 ---> ab + ac + bc = 103
abc = 165
or c = 165/(ab)

19-a-b = 165/ab
19ab - a^2 b - ab^2 = 165
ab(19 - a^2 - b^2) = 165

from ab+ac+bc=103
c(a+b) = 103 - ab
c = (103-ab)/(a+b)

165/(ab) = (103-ab)/(a+b)
165a + 165b = 103ab - a^2 b^2
165(a+b) = ab(103 - ab)

ok, going on a hunch that the numbers are whole numbers, let's look at abc = 165
and 165 = 11x5x3 , all primes

test for ab+bc +ac = 55 + 15 + 33 = 103
a+b+c = 11+5+3 = 19

well, that was a lucky hunch,
the sides are 11 , 5, and 3