The specific heat of a copper metal is 0.385J/g-°K. How many kJ of heat are needed to raise the temperatue of 1.1 kg block of copper from 27.5°C to 50°C?

-Thank you ☺

M=1.1kg,C=0.385,change in temp=50-27.5=22.5C.Q=1.1x0.385x22.5=?KJ

q = mass Cu x specific heat Cu x (Tfinal-Tinitial)

The answer will be in J (if you use 0.385 J/g*K) so convert the answer to kJ.

To find the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a copper block, we can use the formula:

Q = m * c * ΔT

Q = amount of heat (in joules)
m = mass of the copper block (in kilograms)
c = specific heat of copper (in joules/gram-°K, as given)
ΔT = change in temperature (in °C)

First, we need to convert the mass of the copper block from grams to kilograms.
Mass of copper block = 1.1 kg

Next, we need to calculate the change in temperature.
Initial temperature (Ti) = 27.5°C
Final temperature (Tf) = 50°C

ΔT = Tf - Ti
ΔT = 50°C - 27.5°C
ΔT = 22.5°C

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula to find the amount of heat needed (Q):

Q = m * c * ΔT
Q = 1.1 kg * 0.385 J/g-°K * 22.5°C

Since the specific heat is given in joules per gram-°K, we need to convert the mass from kilograms to grams:
1 kg = 1000 g

Q = (1.1 kg * 1000 g/kg) * 0.385 J/g-°K * 22.5°C

Now, we can calculate the value of Q:
Q = 1.1 * 1000 * 0.385 * 22.5 J

Finally, we can convert the amount of heat from joules (J) to kilojoules (kJ):
1 kJ = 1000 J

Q = (1.1 * 1000 * 0.385 * 22.5) / 1000 kJ

Now, you can calculate the final answer using a calculator.