what are nonverbal ways people can show determination?

Nonverbal cues play an important role in expressing determination. Here are some nonverbal ways people can show determination:

1. Maintain strong eye contact: When someone is determined, they tend to maintain strong eye contact, which shows focus and confidence in their goals.

2. Firm body posture: Standing or sitting up straight with an aligned spine and squared shoulders demonstrates determination. It indicates a sense of readiness and resolve.

3. Purposeful gestures: People often use purposeful gestures to convey determination. These gestures can include clenched fists, emphatic gestures, or pointing towards their objectives.

4. Resolute facial expressions: Facial expressions can reflect determination. A determined person may have a firm jawline, raised eyebrows, or a determined gaze. These expressions often indicate a strong sense of focus and resolve.

5. Persistence in body language: A determined individual tends to display persistence in their movements, such as walking or moving with purpose, showing drive and commitment towards their goals.

It's important to note that while these nonverbal cues can indicate determination, understanding someone's intentions and emotions should be based on a combination of verbal and nonverbal cues for more accurate interpretation.

Doing the job. Stiff back. Straight face.