Can someone check my answer and let me know me if the are right or wrong. If I wrong can you give me the right answer plz.

1. What is the maximum amount of KCl that can dissolve in 600 g of water? (The solubility of KCl is 34 g/100 g H₂O at 20°C.) *
34 g
204 g
56 g*******
2040 g
2. (1 point) For most solids, which of the following occurs as temperature increases? *
Molarity doubles
Solubility decreases.
Solubility increases*****
Solubility remains the same.
3. (1 point) If the solubility of a gas in water is 5.0 g/L when the pressure of the gas above the water is 2.5 atm, what is the pressure of the gas above the water when the solubility of the gas is 1.0 g/L? *
0.50 atm
1.0 atm
5.0 atm ******
10 atm
4. (1 point) What is the molarity of a solution that contains 2 moles of solute in 4 liters of solution? *
0.5 M
0.75 M
1 M
2 M ******
5. (1 point) What mass of Na₂SO₄ is needed to make 1.8 L of 3.0 M solution? (Na = 23 g; S = 32 g; O = 16 g) *
142 g
334 g ****
767 g
1,534 g
6. (1 point) If the percent (mass/mass) for a solute is 6% and the mass of the solution is 300 g, what is the mass of solute in solution? *
18 g ******
36 g
72 g
180 g
7. (1 point) Colligative properties are directly related to the ____. *
freezing point of a solute
nature of the solute *********
nature of the solvent
number of solute particles in a solution
8. (1 point) What is the formula for sulfuric acid? *
H₂SO₄ ********
9. (1 point) Which of the following is an Arrhenius base? *
NH₄⁺ *****
10. (1 point) A Lewis base is a substance that can ____. *
accept a pair of electrons ******
accept a hydrogen ion
donate a hydrogen ion
donate a pair of electrons
11. (1 point) Which compound is amphoteric and can act as both a Brønsted-Lowry acid and a Brønsted-Lowry base? *
ammonia ******
hydrochloric acid
sodium hydroxide
12. (1 point) What are the bases in the following equilibrium reaction? CN⁻ + H₂O ⇄ HCN + OH⁻ *
CN⁻ , H₂O
CN⁻, OH⁻ *****
H₂O, OH⁻
13. (1 point) The products of the self-ionization of water are _______. *
H₃O⁺ and H₂O ******
OH⁻ and OH⁺
OH⁺ and H⁻
OH⁻ and H⁺
14. (1 point) What type of solution is one with a pH of 10? *
neutral *******
The type varies depending on the solution.
15. (1 point) The base dissociation constant is only found for ________. *
Concentrated bases *******
Dilute bases
Strong bases
Weak Bases
16. (1 point) A 18M solution of an acid that ionizes only slightly in solution would be termed_________. *
concentrated and weak
strong and dilute
dilute and weak
concentrated and strong ******

2,6,8 & 12 are correct. The others are wrong.

Sure, I can help you check your answers.

1. The correct answer is 56 g. To get this answer, you need to find the solubility of KCl in water (34 g/100 g H₂O) and then calculate the maximum amount of KCl that can dissolve in 600 g of water.

2. The correct answer is Solubility increases. As temperature increases, most solids become more soluble in a solvent.

3. The correct answer is 5.0 atm. To get this answer, you need to use the solubility of the gas in water (5.0 g/L) and the pressure of the gas above the water (2.5 atm) to find the pressure of the gas above the water when the solubility is 1.0 g/L.

4. The correct answer is 2 M. To get this answer, you need to divide the number of moles of solute (2 moles) by the volume of the solution (4 liters).

5. The correct answer is 334 g. To get this answer, you need to calculate the mass of Na₂SO₄ needed by multiplying the molarity of the solution (3.0 M) by the volume of the solution (1.8 L) and the molar mass of Na₂SO₄.

6. The correct answer is 18 g. To get this answer, you need to calculate the mass of the solute in the solution by multiplying the percent (mass/mass) of the solute (6%) by the mass of the solution (300 g).

7. The correct answer is nature of the solute. Colligative properties are directly related to the nature of the solute, not the freezing point of a solute, nature of the solvent, or number of solute particles in a solution.

8. The correct answer is H₂SO₄. Sulfuric acid is represented by the chemical formula H₂SO₄.

9. The correct answer is NH₄⁺. NH₄⁺ is an Arrhenius base because it donates hydroxide ions (OH⁻) in water.

10. The correct answer is donate a pair of electrons. A Lewis base is a substance that can donate a pair of electrons.

11. The correct answer is ammonia. Ammonia can act as both a Brønsted-Lowry acid and a Brønsted-Lowry base.

12. The correct answer is CN⁻, OH⁻. CN⁻ and OH⁻ are the bases in the equilibrium reaction CN⁻ + H₂O ⇄ HCN + OH⁻.

13. The correct answer is H₃O⁺ and OH⁻. The products of the self-ionization of water are H₃O⁺ (hydronium ion) and OH⁻ (hydroxide ion).

14. The correct answer is basic. A solution with a pH of 10 is considered basic.

15. The correct answer is Dilute bases. The base dissociation constant is only found for dilute bases.

16. The correct answer is concentrated and strong. A 18M solution of an acid that ionizes only slightly in solution would be termed concentrated and strong.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.