Tap"A" can fill the tank in 4 minutes .While tap"B" can fill the same tank in 7 minutes . How long will both taps take to fill the tank if they are opened at the same time?

The way I worked
I took 7× 4 = 28
The answer is 28 minutes

Your answer is correct! This means that if both taps are opened at the same time, it will take them approximately 2.54 minutes to fill the tank. Good job!

A fills the tank in 4 minutes , so A fills1/4 portion of the tank in 1 minute

B fills the tank in 7 minutes, so B fills 1/7 portion in 1 minute
A+B does= 1/4+1/7
=7+4/28=11/28 = 28/11
Answer = 2.54 minutes

To calculate how long both taps will take to fill the tank if they are opened at the same time, you need to calculate their combined filling rate.

Tap A can fill the tank in 4 minutes, so its filling rate is 1/4 tanks per minute. Tap B can fill the tank in 7 minutes, so its filling rate is 1/7 tanks per minute.

To find their combined filling rate, you can add their individual filling rates:
1/4 + 1/7 = (7 + 4) / (4 * 7) = 11 / 28 tanks per minute.

Now, to find how long it will take for both taps to fill the tank, you can invert the combined filling rate:
1 / (11/28) = 28/11 minutes.

Therefore, it will take approximately 2.5454 minutes (or about 2 minutes and 32.73 seconds) for both taps to fill the tank if they are opened at the same time.

Does your answer make sense to you?

No it doesn't make sense that's why am asking

[(4/2) + (7/2)] / 2 = ?