Peter spends 1/4 of his salary on food, 1/3 on clothing and 1/5 on school fees. He saved the rest. What fraction if his salary did he save?

well, he spent 1/4 + 1/3 + 1/5 = 47/60



To find out the fraction of Peter's salary that he saved, we need to subtract the fraction spent on food, clothing, and school fees from 1.

Let's calculate each fraction spent:
- Peter spends 1/4 of his salary on food.
- Peter spends 1/3 of his salary on clothing.
- Peter spends 1/5 of his salary on school fees.

To combine these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 4, 3, and 5 is 60.

Now, let's convert each fraction to have the same denominator of 60:
- Fraction spent on food: (1/4) x (15/15) = 15/60
- Fraction spent on clothing: (1/3) x (20/20) = 20/60
- Fraction spent on school fees: (1/5) x (12/12) = 12/60

Now, let's add these fractions to find the total fraction spent:
Total fraction spent = 15/60 + 20/60 + 12/60 = 47/60

Finally, to find the fraction of salary saved, we subtract the fraction spent from 1:
Fraction saved = 1 - (47/60) = (60/60) - (47/60) = 13/60

Therefore, Peter saved 13/60 of his salary.
