this is a sentence from Another Evening at the Club

The spectres of the eucalyptus trees ranged along the garden fence rocked before her gaze, with white egrets slumbering on their high branches like huge white flowers among the thin leaves

The author most likely compares the eucalyptus trees to spectres to suggest

a.) The woman is troubled by something
b.) a sense of mystery about the woman
c.) the woman is in imminent danger
d.) The fragile state of the woman's health

I'm super confused about this, and I'm going between a and b....Can someone explain to me what the right answer is and why??



A spectre is a ghost or a phantom, something to be feared. If the trees seem foreboding to her, what would that indicate about her state of mind? Trees are not threatening in any particular way, so they probably pose no immediate threat, do they? There is nothing in this quotation to indicate that her health isn't normal, is there? And I wonder if this passage, by itself, indicates anything mysterious about her life or her past, where she's from, what her name is, or any other mystery. But you have to figure it out for yourself.

@phoenix is correct i did it and got 100%

Those awnsers are all correct

Can someone please help!?!?!

Phoenix is correct

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the given sentence and consider the context of the story.

In the sentence, the author compares the eucalyptus trees to "spectres." Spectres typically refer to ghosts or spirits, implying a sense of eeriness or otherworldliness. This comparison suggests that the eucalyptus trees evoke a haunting or mysterious atmosphere. Furthermore, the spectres are "ranged along the garden fence" and are described as "rocked before her gaze." This phrasing indicates a visual presence that holds the woman's attention.

Answer options (a) and (b) both relate to the woman's perception or experience. Let's examine them in detail:

(a) The woman is troubled by something: There is no direct evidence in the sentence to suggest that the woman is troubled. The focus is primarily on the eucalyptus trees and their comparison to spectres. While the woman's perception may contribute to a feeling of unease, this answer option does not align perfectly with the given sentence.

(b) A sense of mystery about the woman: The comparison of the eucalyptus trees to spectres emphasizes the mysterious quality associated with the woman. It implies that there is something enigmatic or intriguing about her. The presence of white egrets slumbering on the high branches adds to this sense of mystery. Therefore, option (b) is the most suitable answer.

Answer (b) aligns with the descriptive language used in the sentence and accurately reflects the impact of comparing the eucalyptus trees to spectres.