After World War II, which two nations remained as "Superpowers" on the world stage?

America and Greece
Japan and Germany
America and Russia***
Russia and New Zealand

Genocide is a word first popularized after the atrocities of WWII. Genocide means:
Theft of all property desired by a major Government
Willful annihilation of a racial, political, or cultural group.
Moving people into segregated living areas
Indiscriminately killing political opponents

Your answer is correct.

What is your answer for the second question?

I think it is b or c not sure

Look up genocide.

No. That doesn't make these people political opponents.

I've checked two of your answers. Now you're on your own.

Thanks for your help

You're welcome.

To determine which two nations remained as "Superpowers" after World War II, we can use historical knowledge or refer to reliable sources. In this case, the answer is America and Russia. These two nations emerged as the world's leading powers due to their significant military, economic, and political influence.

Regarding the definition of genocide, it means the willful annihilation of a racial, political, or cultural group. It involves deliberate and systematic actions such as killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm, or imposing measures to prevent births within the group. This term gained widespread recognition and attention after the atrocities committed during World War II, particularly the Holocaust. It is important to note that genocide is a grave violation of human rights and is considered a crime under international law.