Determine whether the number is rational, irrational, or not a real number.

1. 3.316624. . .
2. 3.16227. . .
3. 0
4. square root of 14
5. square root of 10/3
6. -4
7. square root of 9/16
8. 3/0
9. 6.283185. . .
10. 8.432467. . .
11. 0.25

1. Irrational.

2. Irrational.
3. Rational.
4. Rational.
5. Rational.
6. Rational.
7. Rational.
8. Rational.
9. Irrational.
10. Irrational.
11. Rational.

8 is not a real number, my apologies. It's not rational.

What do you mean?

I think she's asking if the numbers (1 - 11) are rational, irrational, or not a real numbers.

For example, 0 is a rational number.

To determine whether a number is rational, irrational, or not a real number, you need to understand the definitions of these terms.

1. 3.316624...: To determine this, you would need to see if the number has a repeating or terminating decimal. If the digits repeat or the decimal terminates, then it is rational. If the digits don't repeat and the decimal doesn't terminate, then it is irrational.

2. 3.16227...: Apply the same process as mentioned above.

3. 0: Zero is a rational number because it can be expressed as 0/1, where 0 is the numerator and 1 is the denominator.

4. Square root of 14: To determine whether the square root of 14 is rational or irrational, you need to find out if it can be expressed as a fraction or not. If it cannot be expressed as a fraction, it is irrational.

5. Square root of 10/3: Apply the same process as mentioned above.

6. -4: -4 is a rational number because it can be expressed as -4/1, where -4 is the numerator and 1 is the denominator.

7. Square root of 9/16: Apply the same process as mentioned above.

8. 3/0: Division by zero is undefined. Therefore, 3/0 is not a real number.

9. 6.283185...: Apply the same process as mentioned above.

10. 8.432467...: Apply the same process as mentioned above.

11. 0.25: 0.25 is a rational number because it can be expressed as 1/4, where 1 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator.

I can't see your choices.

Angelina, we don't just do a whole assignment for you.

I will gladly check what your answers are for each of those 11 questions, but I am not just going to give you the answers.