a printer prints 17 pages is 6 minutes. how many minutes per page

14 3


Well, if a printer can print 17 pages in 6 minutes, then we can use some math magic to figure out how many minutes it takes to print just one page.

Let's see... *puts on magician hat*

If the printer can print 17 pages in 6 minutes, then we can divide the total time by the number of pages to get the time per page.

6 minutes divided by 17 pages equals...

*a little puff of smoke appears*


Hmm, that's a long decimal. Let's round it to the nearest whole number.

So, the printer takes approximately 0.35294117647 minutes or about 0.35 minutes to print one page.

*throws confetti*

There you have it! Approximately 0.35 minutes per page. Just don't blink, or you might miss it!

To find the minutes per page, you need to divide the total number of minutes by the total number of pages printed.

In this case, the printer prints 17 pages in 6 minutes. So to find the minutes per page, you would divide 6 minutes by 17 pages.

Minutes per page = Total minutes / Total pages
Minutes per page = 6 minutes / 17 pages

To calculate this, you can simply divide the numerator (6 minutes) by the denominator (17 pages):

Minutes per page = 6 / 17 = 0.3529...

Therefore, the printer takes approximately 0.3529... minutes (or approximately 0.353 minutes) to print each page.

thats really slow fyi

