Can you help with the parts of speech: am I correct?

1. The high school game is at home tonight.

answer:(The ..article..high school ..adjective...

2. The junior high track team is going to win when they start in the spring.

answer( The=article...junior high verb... going =

3.Xavier was not sure whether to be Anne or Otto in the play.

answer( Xavier=noun Anne=noun

thank you

1. Looks good but you're missing something major!

2. Looks good, but what kind of verb form is "to win"?

3. Completely re-think the first part of this one.

1. Is?

The rest is right.

2. yes

3. sure is an adjective
to be is the infinitive form of the verb
The rest is right.

You are partly correct in identifying the parts of speech in the given sentences. Here is a breakdown of the correct parts of speech for each sentence:

1: The high school game is at home tonight.
- The: article (determiner)
- high school: adjective
- game: noun
- is: linking verb
- at: preposition
- home: noun (object of the preposition)
- tonight: adverb

2: The junior high track team is going to win when they start in the spring.
- The: article (determiner)
- junior high: adjective
- track: noun
- team: noun
- is: linking verb
- going: verb
- to win: verb phrase
- when: subordinating conjunction
- they: pronoun
- start: verb
- in: preposition
- the: article (optional)
- spring: noun

3: Xavier was not sure whether to be Anne or Otto in the play.
- Xavier: noun
- was: linking verb
- not: adverb (negation)
- sure: adjective
- whether: conjunction
- to be: verb phrase
- Anne: noun
- or: conjunction
- Otto: noun
- in: preposition
- the: article (optional)
- play: noun

It's great that you're learning and identifying the different parts of speech in the sentences. Keep practicing, and you'll become even more proficient at it!