How did the french citizens who witnessed the king louis execution react

To understand how French citizens reacted to the execution of King Louis XVI, you can follow these steps:

1. Research historical accounts: Start by looking for primary and secondary sources, such as diaries, letters, newspaper articles, and books, written by people who lived during that time. These accounts often provide valuable insights into the reactions of French citizens.

2. Analyze contemporary reports: Examine the reports and descriptions from eyewitnesses present at the execution. These accounts can give you an idea of the immediate reactions of those who witnessed the event firsthand.

3. Study public opinion: Look for broader trends and opinions from French citizens during that period. Newspapers, public speeches, and political pamphlets can provide a sense of the general sentiment regarding the execution.

4. Consider societal divisions: Keep in mind that French society at the time was deeply divided. Different factions had varying views on the monarchy and the revolution, so reactions to the execution were likely influenced by preexisting political and social beliefs.

5. Evaluate historical interpretations: As you conduct your research, be aware that historical interpretations may differ. Different scholars may propose different theories based on the evidence available. Consider multiple perspectives to develop a more comprehensive understanding.

By following these steps and examining historical sources, you can gain insights into how French citizens reacted to the execution of King Louis XVI.