Read the grammar notes carefully. Then, decide whether each of the following questions is correct, or whether it contains a dangling modifier!

Q1.  Rifling through the papers, the letter was found.
 Correct   Contains dangling modifier

Q2.  Looking around the room, Olga saw the letter.
 Correct   Contains dangling modifier

Q3.  Aching, the drum set was left behind.
 Correct   Contains dangling modifier

Q4.  With a sinking heart, Jake left his beloved musical instruments behind and walked away.
 Correct   Contains dangling modifier

Q5.  Starving, the extra-large hamburger meal was savoured.
 Correct   Contains dangling modifier

Q6.  Hungry, I ate three muesli bars.
 Correct   Contains dangling modifier

Please help to check the answer, thanks & regards.

What do YOU THINK? We'll check your answers.

Sorry, forget to choose the answers. They are as follows:

Q1. Contains dangling modifier 

Q2. Contains dangling modifier 

Q3. Contains dangling modifier 

Q4. Correct

Q5. Correct

Q6. Contains dangling modifier 

Thanks & regards.

2 are wrong.

4 are correct.

Sorry -- 3 are wrong; 3 are correct.

To determine whether each question is correct or contains a dangling modifier, we need to understand what a dangling modifier is.

A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that does not clearly and logically modify the word or phrase it is intended to modify. It is "dangling" because it is not properly connected to the rest of the sentence.

Let's go through each question and analyze:

Q1. Rifling through the papers, the letter was found.
This is an example of a dangling modifier. The phrase "rifling through the papers" does not logically modify the subject "the letter." To correct it, we could revise it to "While rifling through the papers, we found the letter."

Q2. Looking around the room, Olga saw the letter.
This sentence is correct. The phrase "looking around the room" logically modifies the subject "Olga." It indicates that Olga was looking around the room when she saw the letter.

Q3. Aching, the drum set was left behind.
This sentence contains a dangling modifier. The phrase "aching" does not logically modify the subject "the drum set." To correct it, we could revise it to "Feeling aching, I left the drum set behind."

Q4. With a sinking heart, Jake left his beloved musical instruments behind and walked away.
This sentence is correct. The phrase "with a sinking heart" logically modifies the subject "Jake." It explains the emotional state in which he left his musical instruments behind.

Q5. Starving, the extra-large hamburger meal was savored.
This sentence contains a dangling modifier. The phrase "starving" does not logically modify the subject "the extra-large hamburger meal." To correct it, we could revise it to "Feeling starving, I savored the extra-large hamburger meal."

Q6. Hungry, I ate three muesli bars.
This sentence is correct. The phrase "hungry" logically modifies the subject "I." It explains the state in which the speaker ate three muesli bars.

So, based on the analysis above:

Q1. Contains dangling modifier
Q2. Correct
Q3. Contains dangling modifier
Q4. Correct
Q5. Contains dangling modifier
Q6. Correct