Write a paragraph that provides examples of each stage of volcanic activity, a description of the volcano, and facts about each stage.

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To write a paragraph that provides examples of each stage of volcanic activity, a description of the volcano, and facts about each stage, we first need to understand the different stages of volcanic activity. Volcanoes go through several stages outlined as follows: 1) Dormant stage: During this stage, the volcano is inactive and shows no signs of eruptive activity. An example of a dormant volcano is Mount St. Helens in the United States, which remained inactive for over a century. 2) Active stage: In this stage, the volcano exhibits frequent eruptive activity. One such example is Mount Etna in Italy, which has been erupting for thousands of years. Interesting fact: Active volcanoes constantly release steam, gas, and smoke. 3) Eruptive stage: During this stage, the volcano experiences a major eruption. A prime example is Mount Vesuvius in Italy, famous for its catastrophic eruption in 79 AD which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Fascinating fact: Eruptions can be explosive or effusive, with explosive eruptions being more destructive. 4) Extinct stage: In this final stage, the volcano becomes permanently inactive and poses no threat of eruption. Mauna Kea in Hawaii is an example of an extinct volcano, with its last eruption occurring over 4,500 years ago. Intriguing fact: Extinct volcanoes can later erode, revealing the inner structure of the volcano.

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