what is the best paraphase of these lines. #1 A saturated meadow, #2 Than the trees around were tall:

Here are a few potential paraphrases for each line:

#1 A meadow that is completely filled with water.
#1 A meadow that is fully soaked or drenched.
#1 A meadow that is completely saturated with water.

#2 The trees around the meadow appeared to be taller.
#2 The trees surrounding the meadow were of greater height.
#2 The trees near the meadow seemed to reach a greater height.

To find the best paraphrase of these lines, let's break them down and understand their meaning.

Original lines:
#1 A saturated meadow,
#2 Than the trees around were tall:

Paraphrase options:
1. A meadow so filled with water,
That it seemed taller than the surrounding trees.
2. The meadow was soaked,
Making it appear taller than the trees nearby.
3. The meadow, saturated and lush,
Outgrew the height of the surrounding trees.

To determine the best paraphrase, consider the meaning of the original lines and how well the options capture that meaning. In this case, the main idea is that the meadow is filled with water and stands taller than the trees around it.

Comparing the options, option 1 provides a concise and accurate paraphrase that effectively conveys the meaning. However, option 2 is also a viable choice, expressing the same idea with a slightly different structure. Option 3 elaborates on the lushness of the meadow but still captures the main concept.

Ultimately, the best paraphrase of these lines would depend on the context and the desired style.