On one of my assignments it says to create a bubble chart that represents and explains the characteristics of 19th century capitalism and to provide examples

Should i just make a bubble chart graphic organizer with a circle in the middle and other circles extending outwards from it?

It says to represent the characteristics of it so I didnt know if that meant I had to do something different

I'm not sure what you're confused about. Here's a primer on bubble charts:


If you don't know what the characteristics of 19th century capitalism "means", read about it here. Read lots:


Creating a bubble chart to represent and explain the characteristics of 19th century capitalism is a good approach for visually organizing your information. Here's how you can get started:

1. Understand the characteristics of 19th century capitalism: Research and identify the key characteristics of capitalism during the 19th century. This may include concepts such as private property, free markets, industrialization, economic inequality, and the pursuit of profit.

2. Start with a central circle: Begin by creating a central circle in the middle of your chart. Label it as "19th Century Capitalism" or a similar title.

3. Identify characteristics: Each characteristic of capitalism should be represented by an individual bubble. Place these bubbles around the central circle, evenly distributed. Label each bubble with a specific characteristic, such as "Private Property" or "Free Markets."

4. Determine bubble size: The size of each bubble can represent the importance or significance of each characteristic. You can use different bubble sizes to convey this information.

5. Provide examples: Inside or next to each bubble, provide specific examples or brief descriptions that explain the characteristic in more detail. For instance, under the "Private Property" bubble, you could include examples like "Individual ownership of factories" or "Land ownership by wealthy classes."

6. Connect related characteristics: If there are connections or relationships between different characteristics, you can represent them by using lines or connecting arrows. This will show how different aspects of capitalism interact with each other.

7. Use colors and visuals: Consider using different colors and visuals to enhance the readability and visual appeal of your bubble chart. For example, you can use color coding to group similar characteristics together.

Remember, the purpose of a bubble chart is to visually represent and organize information, making it easier to understand and interpret. So, make sure your chart is clear, visually appealing, and effectively communicates the characteristics of 19th century capitalism with relevant examples.