the sex of to domain species is unknown but they each have a probability of X and -5 what does x equal and what is the domain species? Please someone help me don't give me the answer just please explain the process of this to me i have no clue where to start

The first line makes no sense. Are you certain that is what is given?

Yes that is what it says.

To find the value of X and determine the domain species, we need more information. The given probabilities (-5 and X) are not sufficient to solve the problem. It's possible that there may be additional information missing or a typo in the question.

However, assuming the given information is correct, let's explain the process of solving a problem with unknown probabilities:

1. Understand the problem: Read the question carefully to grasp the context and what is being asked. In this case, we're trying to determine the value of X and identify the domain species.

2. Analyze the information: Explore the given probabilities (-5 and X). Consider whether these probabilities are consistent with the problem or if there might be an error.

3. Seek additional information: If the given information seems incomplete or unclear, try to find additional details or context. This could include consulting other sources, asking for clarification, or referring to any accompanying information.

4. Problem-solving tools: Depending on the nature of the problem, mathematical formulas, logical reasoning, or specific techniques might be required to find the solution. However, without sufficient information or a clear problem statement, it is difficult to proceed further.

In this specific case, without more details about the unknown probabilities or the context of the problem, it is challenging to determine the value of X or identify the domain species. It would be best to revise or clarify the question with more information to enable a proper solution.