complete the equation.


a. 2
b. -2
c. -3
d. 6

I'm really lost and i dont understand how to solve this problem. any help would be appreciated.


= -(x^2 - 15x + 6)
= -(2x-1)(x + __ )

The reason you don't understand is that their second line is incorrect.
Perhaps you typed it wrong

This is what I would do:
= -3(2x^2 - 5x + 2)
= -3(2x - 1)(x - 2)

To complete the equation -6x^2+15x-6=-(2x-1)(x+__), you need to find the missing factor in the right-hand side.

First, let's expand -(2x-1)(x+__). To do this, we can use the distributive property:

-(2x-1)(x+__) = -(2x)(x) -(2x)(__) + (-1)(x) + (-1)(__)

This simplifies to:

-2x^2 - 2x(__) -x - __

Now, let's compare this with the left-hand side -6x^2+15x-6:

-2x^2 - 2x(__) -x - __ = -6x^2 + 15x - 6

By comparing the corresponding terms on both sides, we can equate them:

-2x^2 = -6x^2 (Comparing the x^2 terms)
15x = -2x(__) (Comparing the x terms)
-6 = -(__) (Comparing the constant terms)

Let's solve each of these equations one by one:

Equating the x^2 terms:

-2x^2 = -6x^2

Divide both sides by -2 to isolate x^2:

x^2 = -6 / -2

x^2 = 3

Taking the square root of both sides (remember to consider both the positive and negative square roots):

x = ±√3

Now let's equate the x terms:

15x = -2x(__)

Distribute -2x:

15x = -2x^2(__) -2x

Since we already found x^2 = 3, we can substitute it in:

15x = -2(3)(__) -2x

15x = -6(__) -2x

Comparing the x terms:

15x = -2x
17x = 0

Divide both sides by 17:

x = 0

Now let's equate the constant terms:

-6 = -(__)

Solve for __ by multiplying both sides by -1:

6 = __

So, the missing factor in -(2x-1)(x+__) is __ = 6.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. 6.

Hope this helps!

To complete the equation, we need to find the missing factor in the expression -(2x-1)(x+__).

To determine the missing factor, we can use the technique called "FOIL," which stands for First, Outer, Inner, and Last.

First, we multiply the first terms of each binomial:
-(2x) * (x) = -2x^2

Next, we multiply the outer terms:
-(2x) * (+__) = -2x * (+__) = -2x(__)

Then, we multiply the inner terms:
(+1) * (x) = 1x = x

Lastly, we multiply the last terms of each binomial:
(+1) * (+__) = +1 * (+__) = +__

Combining all these results, we get:
-2x^2 + x -2x(__) + (+__)

Now, we simplify this expression by combining like terms:
-2x^2 + x - 2x(__) + (+__) = -6x^2 + 15x - 6

Comparing the above equation with the given equation:
-6x^2 + 15x - 6 = -(2x-1)(x+__)

We can notice that the terms -2x(__) + (+__) in the simplified expression correspond to the terms 15x in the given equation. So, the missing factor must be the factor that gives us 15x when multiplied by -2x.

The only option that satisfies this condition is option c. -3.

Therefore, the correct answer is: c. -3