Find the cost of buying 4 dozen of exercise books at sh 6000 per dozen,a half dozen of pencil at sh 2050 per dozen,5 dozen rulers at sh 3600 per dozen #i need anyone to help me please#

and in case someone know where i can get such the questions,i am kindly need for practice
*Thanks for the response especially for the questions to practice

(4 * 6000) + (0.5 * 2050) + (5 * 3600) = ?

See if you can find what you want here.*

ms sue thanks for the help

in case of questions I searched but I didn't get any so if you have a website or any other sources of such questions may you inform me please

To find the total cost of buying the exercise books, pencils, and rulers, we need to calculate the cost of each item separately and then add them together.

1. Exercise books:
The cost of 1 dozen exercise books is sh 6000. To find the cost of 4 dozen exercise books, multiply the cost of 1 dozen by 4:
Cost of 4 dozen exercise books = 4 x sh 6000 = sh 24000

2. Pencils:
The cost of 1 dozen pencils is sh 2050. To find the cost of half a dozen pencils, we divide the cost of 1 dozen by 2:
Cost of half a dozen pencils = (sh 2050 / 12) x 6 = sh 1025

3. Rulers:
The cost of 1 dozen rulers is sh 3600. To find the cost of 5 dozen rulers, multiply the cost of 1 dozen by 5:
Cost of 5 dozen rulers = 5 x sh 3600 = sh 18000

Now, add up the costs of all the items to find the total cost:
Total cost = Cost of exercise books + Cost of pencils + Cost of rulers
Total cost = sh 24000 + sh 1025 + sh 18000 = sh 43025

Therefore, the total cost of buying 4 dozen exercise books, half a dozen pencils, and 5 dozen rulers is sh 43025.

As for finding more similar questions to practice on, you can search for online platforms that offer mathematics or business-related practice tests or exercises. There are many websites and apps dedicated to providing practice questions for various subjects and competitive exams. Additionally, you can also check out textbooks, workbooks, or study guides that cover topics related to purchasing and calculations in business.