The product of (4z2 + 7z – 8) and (–z + 3) is –4z3 + xz2 + yz – 24.

What is the value of x?

What is the value of y?

(4z^2 + 7z – 8)(–z + 3)

= -4z^3 + 12z^2 - 7z^2 + 21z + 8z - 24
= -4z^3 + 5z^2 + 29z - 24

matching this with –4z3 + xz2 + yz – 24

5z^2 = xz^2 ----> x = 5
29z = yz -----> y = 29

thank you sooo much you are a great person

To find the values of x and y, we need to expand the given expression and compare it with the given equation.

The product of (4z^2 + 7z – 8) and (–z + 3) can be found by using the distributive property:

(4z^2 + 7z – 8) * (–z + 3)

= (4z^2 + 7z – 8) * –z + (4z^2 + 7z – 8) * 3

= -4z^3 - 7z^2 + 8z + 12z^2 + 21z - 24

Comparing the expanded expression with the given equation:
-4z^3 - 7z^2 + 8z + 12z^2 + 21z - 24 = -4z^3 + xz^2 + yz - 24.

From this, we can equate the corresponding coefficients:

-7z^2 + 12z^2 = xz^2
8z + 21z = yz

Simplifying these equations:

5z^2 = xz^2 --- (1)
29z = yz --- (2)

To determine the value of x, we can divide both sides of equation (1) by z^2:

(5z^2) / (z^2) = (xz^2) / (z^2)

5 = x

Therefore, x = 5.

To determine the value of y, we can divide both sides of equation (2) by z:

(29z) / z = (yz) / z

29 = y

Therefore, y = 29.

Hence, the value of x is 5, and the value of y is 29.

To find the values of x and y, we need to expand the product of (4z^2 + 7z - 8) and (-z + 3) and then compare it to the given expression -4z^3 + xz^2 + yz - 24.

Let's start by distributing the terms from the first expression to the second expression:

(4z^2 + 7z - 8) * (-z + 3) = -4z^3 + 12z^2 -7z^2 + 21z + 8z - 24

Now let's compare this expanded expression to the given expression:

-4z^3 + 12z^2 - 7z^2 + 21z + 8z - 24 = -4z^3 + xz^2 + yz - 24

From the comparison, we can see that the x coefficient in the expanded expression is 12, and the y coefficient is 21.

Therefore, the value of x is 12 and the value of y is 21.