
I REALLLYYY need help with my Health and physical ed quiz. I have ONE question that i need help answering. please and thank you.

1) Your doctor tells you that you and your twin sister have the same basal metabolism rate (BMR). You live independent lives and do your own thing, so how can that be? Which is the most likely reason?

A) Your age *my answer*
B) Your appetites
C) Your required Daily Values
D) Your hunger


im in 6th grade.

PLUS! I might ask some more questions.

Please someone,

I reallyyy need help!

its c trust me are you in connexus??

Took the test the awnser is C

To determine the most likely reason why you and your twin sister have the same basal metabolism rate (BMR), you will need to consider various factors that can influence BMR. Basal metabolism rate refers to the number of calories your body needs to perform basic functions at rest, such as breathing and circulating blood.

In this case, since you and your twin sister live independent lives and do your own thing, it is important to consider factors that can affect BMR, such as genetic factors and lifestyle choices. The most likely reason for you and your twin sister having the same BMR is your age.

Age is among the key factors that influence BMR. As you get older, your BMR tends to decrease. However, since you and your twin sister are identical twins, you share the same genetic makeup, which means you are likely to have similar levels of BMR. The factor that would differentiate BMR between the two of you would be age. If you and your twin sister are the same age, it is highly likely that you would have the same BMR due to the shared genetics.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is A) Your age, as it is the most likely reason for you and your twin sister having the same basal metabolism rate.