The regular price of a sweater is $32. For a sale, the price of the sweater is marked down 30%. What is the sale price of the sweater?

0.7*32= 22.4

0.7 * 32 = ?

To find the sale price of the sweater after a 30% discount, you need to calculate 30% of the regular price and subtract it from the regular price.

Step 1: Calculate 30% of the regular price.
To find 30% of a value, you multiply the value by 0.30. In this case, the regular price of the sweater is $32, so you multiply $32 by 0.30 to find the discount amount.
30% of $32 = $32 * 0.30 = $9.60

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the regular price.
Now that you know the discount amount, you subtract it from the regular price to find the sale price.
Sale price = Regular price - Discount amount
Sale price = $32 - $9.60
Sale price = $22.40

Therefore, the sale price of the sweater is $22.40.