5 apples costs 7 kg. Let x be the cost of 7 apples, make an equation to find out the cost of 7 apples

cost 7 kg??

Please correct and repost.

5 apples cost =7 kg costs of apples.

Cost of 7 apples = x.
Find out 7 apples cost?

Kg is a measure of mass (weight). It is not a unit of money.

make an equation to find out the cost of 7 apples

How much do 5 apples cost?

To find out the cost of 7 apples, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that 5 apples cost 7 kg. Let's assign a variable "x" to represent the cost of 7 apples. Since we are measuring cost, we are looking for the ratio of cost to quantity.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

Cost of 5 apples / Quantity of 5 apples = Cost of 7 apples / Quantity of 7 apples

The quantity of 5 apples is 5, and the quantity of 7 apples is 7.

So, the equation becomes:

Cost of 5 apples / 5 = x / 7

To find x, we can cross-multiply:

5 * x = 7 * 5


5x = 35

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 7

Therefore, the cost of 7 apples is 7 units (currency, for example).