I need the meaning of the following I looked in math book and online but it gives me so many things I need the meaning of it to put in my notes.

"Out of"
"Multiply fractions"

Of means 'times' or multiply

Out of means divide
Multiply fractions means that the answer is smaller than what you started with. Numerator times numerator and denomerator times demonerator.

Thank you

I'd be happy to help you understand the meanings of these terms.

1. "Of": In mathematics, "of" is used to indicate a part or a fraction of a whole. For example, if you have a group of objects and you want to know how many of those objects satisfy a certain condition, you can express it as a ratio using "of". For instance, if you have 10 marbles and 3 of them are red, you can say that "3 out of 10 marbles are red."

2. "Out of": This phrase is often used in conjunction with the term "of" to indicate the number of elements or objects selected or meeting a certain condition from a given total. When you say "out of," you are specifying the subset or part of a larger whole. For example, if 7 students out of a class of 30 scored above 90% on a test, you can say that "7 out of 30 students scored above 90%."

3. "Multiply fractions": To multiply fractions, you need to multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together and the denominators (the bottom numbers) together. The result is a new fraction that represents the product of the two original fractions. For example, if you want to multiply 1/3 by 2/5, you multiply the numerators (1 * 2 = 2) and denominators (3 * 5 = 15), giving you the product 2/15.

Remember, for any math concept, it's always helpful to refer to your math book for detailed explanations and examples. Additionally, seeking information online can provide you with additional resources, videos, and explanations to further enhance your understanding.