Alex bought 9 mo I'd tickets for. Total cost of $9.00. Each child's ticket cost $2 and each adult ticket cost $4. How many children's tickets did alexdq

What does this mean?

9 mo I'd tickets for.

And what in the world is "Aa pd"?

If I bout 10 tickets, and 9 mo, how much did I pa?

This question makes no sense.

To find out how many children's tickets Alex bought, let's assume the number of children's tickets is represented by 'c'.

According to the information given, each child's ticket costs $2. Therefore, the total cost of the children's tickets would be 2c dollars.

Since Alex bought a total of 9 tickets for a total cost of $9.00, we can set up the equation:

2c + 4(9 - c) = 9

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of 'c', which represents the number of children's tickets:

2c + 36 - 4c = 9
-2c + 36 = 9
-2c = 9 - 36
-2c = -27
c = (-27) / (-2)
c = 13.5

Since the number of tickets cannot be in decimal form, it implies that Alex cannot have purchased 13.5 children's tickets. Hence, the answer is that we cannot determine the exact number of children's tickets that Alex bought based on the given information.