What is the meter of line 6?

A wildcat roaring past steep banks

A)stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed

B)unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed***

C)unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed

D)stressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed

Can you please check my answer?

Yes, B.

Ok, thanks for checking...appreciate it. (=

You're welcome. :-)

To determine the meter of a line, you need to identify the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in the line. Let's take a look at line 6: "A wildcat roaring past steep banks."

To identify the stressed and unstressed syllables, you can either rely on your own understanding of poetic meter or use pronunciation dictionaries or online tools to help you. However, keep in mind that different readers may have different interpretations of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Now, let's analyze the line: "A wildcat roaring past steep banks."

The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables can be represented using a combination of symbols. For example, the stressed syllables can be represented by a "/" symbol, while the unstressed syllables can be represented by a "x" symbol.

Using this representation, we can break down the line as follows:
"A / wil- / dcat / roar- / ing / past / steep / banks."

So, the meter of line 6 can be represented as: unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed.

Based on this analysis, your chosen answer B)unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed is correct.

Well done!