american revolution 1775 or 1763?

Because I know the first battle was 1775 but I have to make a timeline and put when the event occurred so idk if I should put 1775 or when it all started, 1763.

The American Revolution started in 1775.

1763 marked the end of the Seven Years War (aka French and Indian War) between France and England.

And so the American Rev ended 1783?


The American Revolution began in 1775 with the first battle, as you mentioned. However, the events leading up to the revolution date back to 1763. To accurately create a timeline, it would be helpful to include both dates.

In 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed, formally ending the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven Years' War). This treaty established British control over a vast amount of North American territory. It also marked the beginning of the various conflicts and tensions between the American colonists and the British government.

Over the next decade, there were numerous acts and policies imposed by the British government that greatly angered the colonists. These included the Sugar Act of 1764, which imposed taxes on sugar and molasses, and the Stamp Act of 1765, which required the use of stamped paper for all legal documents and printed materials. The colonists felt that these acts violated their rights as British subjects and led to widespread protests and resistance.

The tension continued to escalate until the first shots of the American Revolution were fired on April 19, 1775, at the Battles of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. This marked the official start of the armed conflict between the American colonies and the British Empire.

So in your timeline, you can include both dates: 1763 as the starting point of the tensions and conflicts, and 1775 as the beginning of the actual armed conflict. This will provide a complete perspective on the American Revolution.