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the pendulum has a string of
.075m. velocity at c is 3.83m/s
how do i find the speed at point b
when the angle of B and C is 37 degree


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gunhyhhhv t yghujnikawsxdrcftvg

To find the speed at point B when the angle between B and C is 37 degrees, you can analyze the forces acting on the pendulum and use equations of motion. Here's how to do it:

1. Determine the forces acting on the pendulum:
- Tension in the string: This is the force provided by the string, directed towards point C.
- Gravity: This is the force acting downward due to the weight of the pendulum.

2. Resolve the forces into their components:
- Tension force: Resolve it into two components:
- Tangential component (Tt): This component acts along the path of the pendulum and contributes to the speed.
- Radial component (Tr): This component acts perpendicular to the path of the pendulum and provides the necessary centripetal force.

3. Apply Newton's second law of motion to analyze the tangential component of tension (Tt) acting at point B. The equation is:
Tt = m * a

In this equation:
- m is the mass of the pendulum.
- a is the acceleration of the pendulum at angle 37 degrees.

4. Relate the tangential acceleration (a) to the angular acceleration (α) using the formula:
a = R * α

In this equation:
- R is the length of the string.
- α is the angular acceleration.

5. Find the angular acceleration (α) using the equation:
α = g * sin(θ) / R

In this equation:
- g is the acceleration due to gravity.
- θ is the angle between B and C (37 degrees).

6. Substitute the value of α into the equation in step 4 to solve for a.

7. Substitute the value of a into the equation in step 3 to solve for Tt.

8. Use the conservation of mechanical energy to find Tt at point B. The mechanical energy at point C is equal to the mechanical energy at point B:
Tt * r = Tc * R

In this equation:
- r is the length of the string from B to C.
- Tc is the tension force at point C.

9. Solve the equation obtained in step 8 for Tt.

10. Finally, use the equation Vb = (2 * π * r * R * a) / Tt to find the speed at point B (Vb).

By following these steps, you'll be able to calculate the speed at point B when the angle between B and C is 37 degrees.