Suppose 3 student change their vote from math to science describe how the frequency gable would change

To describe how the frequency table would change, we first need to understand what a frequency table is. A frequency table is a way of organizing data by counting the number of times each value or category appears. In this specific scenario, we are assuming there is a frequency table that shows the number of students who voted for math and science.

Let's say initially the frequency table is as follows:

| Subject | Frequency |
| Math | 10 |
| Science | 15 |

From this table, we can see that there were 10 students who voted for math and 15 students who voted for science.

Now, if 3 students change their vote from math to science, we need to update the frequency table to reflect this change. Here's how the new frequency table would look like:

| Subject | Frequency |
| Math | 7 |
| Science | 18 |

In this updated table, we deducted 3 from the math category and added them to the science category. The math frequency becomes 7, indicating that 7 students voted for math, and the science frequency becomes 18, indicating that 18 students voted for science.

In summary, the frequency table changed by reducing the frequency of math from 10 to 7 and increasing the frequency of science from 15 to 18, reflecting the change in votes from math to science by 3 students.