Suppose that a car dealer offers to sell you a car for $16500 or for payments of $275 per month for six years. To figure out what monthly interest (x) you’re actually being charged, you’d have to solve the equation:f(x)=60x(1+x)^72-(1+x)^72+1=0

Plot this on your calculator:

then notice where the x intercept is..

suppose that a car dealer offer to sell for 16,500 or for payment of 275 per month for six years

To find the monthly interest rate (x) you're being charged for the car, you need to solve the equation f(x) = 60x(1+x)^72 - (1+x)^72 + 1 = 0.

To solve this equation, you can use numerical methods such as the Newton-Raphson method or trial and error. However, before diving into those methods, let's break down the equation and understand its components:

f(x) = 60x(1+x)^72 - (1+x)^72 + 1 = 0

The equation represents a polynomial function with x as the variable. Let's simplify it step by step:

Step 1: Distribute the 60x to both terms inside the parentheses.
f(x) = 60x(1+x)^72 - (1+x)^72 + 1 = 0
f(x) = 60x(1+x)^72 - (1+x)^72 + 1 = 0

Step 2: Use a substitution to make the equation easier to work with. Let's replace (1+x)^72 with another variable, say y.
f(x) = 60xy - y + 1 = 0

Now, the equation becomes:
f(x) = 60xy - y + 1 = 0

Step 3: Rearrange the equation to solve for y.
f(x) + y - 1 = 60xy
y(60x - 1) = 1 - f(x)
y = (1 - f(x))/(60x - 1)

Step 4: Replace y with (1+x)^72 in the substituted equation.
(1+x)^72 = (1 - f(x))/(60x - 1)

Now we have a simplified equation in terms of x.

To solve for x, you can use numerical methods like the Newton-Raphson method or trial and error. These methods involve repeatedly approximating the solution until you reach an acceptable level of accuracy. However, implementing these methods is beyond the scope of this explanation.

In practice, you can use software or online tools with built-in equation solvers that can quickly find the value of x that satisfies the equation. Simply plug in the equation you derived, and the tool will provide you with the solution.

Remember to double-check the solution and ensure it makes sense in the context of your car purchase.