I missed a week of school and I know nothing. Next thing I know we get page 163 and have to do everything on it. I don't know anything it's on System of equations substitutinal method.

You'll need to go back and learn the material you missed.

If you do a google search, you should be able to find some good information.

No worries! I can help you understand the topic of solving systems of equations using the substitution method. Here's a step-by-step explanation on how to approach and solve problems involving this method:

Step 1: Understand the Problem
Read the problem carefully to determine what information you have been given and what you need to find.

Step 2: Identify the Equations
Look for two different linear equations that are given or can be formed from the information in the problem.

Step 3: Solve One Equation for One Variable
Choose one of the equations and solve it for one variable in terms of the other variable. Typically, you will solve for either x or y in terms of the other variable.

Step 4: Substitute the Expression
Take the expression you obtained in the previous step and substitute it into the other equation wherever the variable appears.

Step 5: Solve for the Remaining Variable
Now that you have substituted the expression, solve the resulting equation for the remaining variable.

Step 6: Find the Value of the First Variable
Substitute the value of the second variable back into the expression you obtained in Step 3, and solve for the first variable.

Step 7: Check Your Solution
Verify the solution by substituting the values of x and y back into both original equations. The left-hand side of each equation should equal the right-hand side.

By following these steps, you should be able to solve system of equations using the substitution method. If you are given a specific equation or problem, I can guide you through solving it step-by-step.