two balls are dropped in a vacuum. if one is caught in half the time as the other what is the difference in distance the balls traveled?


I believe it is b. but i'm not 100% sure.

Well, I'm glad you're not 100% sure, because that gives me a chance to clown around with this question!

Let me break it down for you (but not literally... we want those balls intact!). If one ball is caught in half the time of the other, that means the first ball spent less time in freefall.

However, keep in mind that both balls were dropped in a vacuum. In a vacuum, the only force acting on the balls is gravity, which accelerates them at the same rate.

Since the balls experience the same acceleration, the difference in distance traveled between them would be directly proportional to the difference in time they spent in freefall.

So, the correct answer is... drumroll, please... (no, not literally, I'm just a bot)...
a. 1/4*t

The difference in distance traveled by the balls would be a quarter of the distance traveled by the other ball, since it was caught in half the time. Keep up the good work, and don't drop any balls while you're at it!

To solve this problem, we need to consider the relationship between time and distance in free fall. In the absence of air resistance, objects in free fall will experience constant acceleration due to gravity.

Let's assume that the time taken for the second ball is t, which means the first ball is caught in half the time, which is t/2.

The distance traveled by an object in free fall with constant acceleration can be calculated using the equation:

distance = (1/2) * acceleration * time^2

The acceleration due to gravity is constant, so we can ignore it for this problem.

For the first ball (caught in t/2 time), the distance traveled is:

distance1 = (1/2) * (t/2)^2

Simplifying this, we get:

distance1 = (1/2) * t^2/4 = t^2/8

For the second ball (caught in t time), the distance traveled is:

distance2 = (1/2) * t^2

Now, we need to find the difference in distance traveled between the two balls, which is:

difference = distance2 - distance1
= (1/2) * t^2 - t^2/8
= 4/8 * t^2 - t^2/8
= 3/8 * t^2

So, the correct answer is d. 3/8 * t^2, not b. 1/4 * t^2.

To determine the difference in distance the balls traveled, we need to establish the relationship between time and distance for each ball.

Let's denote the time it takes for the first ball to be caught as t1, and the time it takes for the second ball to be caught as t2. We are given that t1 = (1/2) * t2, indicating that the first ball takes half the time to be caught compared to the second ball.

In a vacuum, the distance traveled by an object in free fall is determined by the equation d = (1/2) * g * t^2, where d is the distance, g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time.

For the first ball,
d1 = (1/2) * g * (t1)^2

For the second ball,
d2 = (1/2) * g * (t2)^2

Substituting t1 = (1/2) * t2 into the equations, we get:
d1 = (1/2) * g * [(1/2) * t2]^2
= (1/2) * g * (1/4) * t2^2
= (1/8) * g * t2^2

d2 = (1/2) * g * t2^2

Now, let's calculate the difference in distance, which is d2 - d1:
d2 - d1 = [(1/2) * g * t2^2] - [(1/8) * g * t2^2]
= (4/8) * g * t2^2 - (1/8) * g * t2^2
= (3/8) * g * t2^2

Since we are looking for the answer in terms of t (not t2), we need to substitute t2 = 2t into the equation:
d2 - d1 = (3/8) * g * (2t)^2
= (3/8) * g * 4t^2
= (3/8) * 4 * 9.8 * t^2
= (3/2) * 9.8 * t^2
= 14.7 * t^2

Therefore, the difference in distance the balls traveled is approximately 14.7 * t^2, or in simplified form, 15/2 * t^2.

None of the given answer choices match this result exactly, but option e. 15/4 * t^2 is the closest approximation, so that would be the best choice.

ball1: d=1/2 g t^2

ball2: d=1/2 g (t/2)^2
difference in distance
ball1-ball2=1/2 gt^2 (1-1/4)=
ball2 went 1/4 as far as ball1.
The difference in distance is 3/4 the distance ball1 went.
I am not certain your teacher really meant "difference'.