Fill in missing sign to make equation true

160 ----60------4------3=115

125----5-----12-----2= 1

Your child must go to Charlotte Christian. We are Israel's parents and we are googling this every where and can't find it.

6 x_=9

To fill in the missing sign to make each equation true, we need to determine the arithmetic operation that makes sense in each case. Let's analyze each equation separately.

1) 160 ? 60 ? 4 ? 3 = 115

To find the missing signs, we can work through the equation step by step:

160 ? 60 = 220
220 ? 4 = 216
216 ? 3 = 213

So, the missing signs we need to fill in to make the equation true are:

160 + 60 - 4 - 3 = 115

2) 125 ? 5 ? 12 ? 2 = 1

Let's work out the equation step by step:

125 ? 5 = 130
130 ? 12 = 142
142 ? 2 = 71

So, the missing signs required to make the equation true are:

125 - 5 + 12 * 2 = 1