Generally speaking, novels have

A. single themes.
==B. multiple settings.
C. limited characters.
D. no resolutions.

Is this correct??

Keyword: Generally...

yes, B

As a general rule, really great novels contain

A. complex plots.
B. multiple settings.
C. universal truths.
D. one main conflict.

oopsss....Sorry the computer glitched

Thank You

No, the correct answer is A. single themes. Novels usually explore one or more central themes that are developed throughout the story. To determine the answer, you can identify the typical characteristics of a novel.

To understand the structure of a typical novel, you can refer to its various components such as plot, characters, setting, and theme. A novel is a work of fiction that tells a story and is usually longer and more complex than other forms of storytelling, such as short stories.

While novels can have multiple settings and numerous characters, these aspects are not defining features. The number of settings and characters can vary greatly depending on the specific novel and its narrative style. However, it is common for novels to have a primary or central theme that the author explores throughout the story. The theme is the underlying message or main idea that the author wants to convey to the readers.

Therefore, novels usually have single themes, making option A the correct answer.