In a paragraph compare and any two of the following forms of poetry: concrete, haiku or limerick. Your essay should include a specific description of each of the two forms you choose. Explain how each of the two forms are alike and how they are different. Support your opinion with paraphrases of lines you can remember from the poems.

Well, I just don't know what they mean! and how am I supposed to write it!!!!!

Compare any two of the following forms of poetry: concrete, haiku or limerick.

Include a specific description of each of the two forms you choose.

Explain how each of the two forms are alike and how they are different. Support your opinion with paraphrases of lines you can remember from the poems.

Study this site for tips on how to write a compare/contrast paper.

I need answers ;-; so help me..

Ok thx ms sue! Your awsome

To compare two forms of poetry, concrete and limerick, we first need to understand their specific characteristics. Concrete poetry is a visual form of poetry where the shape and layout of the words on the page convey meaning along with the words themselves. It uses typography, spacing, and formatting creatively to enhance the message. On the other hand, limericks are short, humorous poems that consist of five lines with a specific rhyme scheme (aabba). They often explore funny or ironic situations with a witty twist at the end.

While concrete poetry and limericks have some similarities, such as the creative use of language and wordplay, they differ in form, structure, and purpose. Concrete poetry focuses on the visual representation of the words, arranging them in specific shapes or patterns to enhance the meaning. For example, in a concrete poem about a tree, the words may be arranged to visually resemble the branches or leaves. This form allows the reader to interact with the poem both visually and verbally, creating a multidimensional experience.

On the other hand, limericks have a fixed structure and a specific rhyme scheme. They commonly follow an "aabba" pattern, where the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines have a different rhyme. Limericks are known for their playful and often humorous tone, often ending with a surprising or humorous twist. These poems are usually written in a light-hearted manner, aiming to entertain and amuse the reader.

To illustrate further, let's paraphrase memorable lines from both forms. In a concrete poem about nature, the words might be arranged to form a visually striking image, such as "Leaves whisper secrets in the wind's embrace." In this case, the words could be designed to resemble the swirling motion of the wind, enhancing the poem's meaning and impact.

A limerick, on the other hand, might go like this: "There once was a cat named Macavity, who caused quite the calamity. He knocked over the vase, wrecked the place, oh, what a veritable gravity!" This limerick follows the specific rhyme scheme with playful language and a twist at the end, adding humor to the verse.

In conclusion, concrete poetry and limericks differ in their visual representation and structure while sharing a creative use of language. Concrete poetry focuses on the visual layout of words, while limericks have a fixed rhyme scheme and aim to entertain. Both forms offer different ways to engage readers, either visually or through clever wordplay, making them unique but equally expressive forms of poetry.

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