Simplify this expression:

6x + 4y - 3x + 10y =

Is the answer 9x + -6y?


6x - 3x = ?

4y + 10y = ?

Oh okay thanks, so the answer is 3x+14y?


To simplify the given expression, you need to combine like terms. Like terms are terms with the same variable(s) raised to the same power(s).

In the given expression, you have terms with the variable "x" and terms with the variable "y". Let's first combine the terms with "x":

6x - 3x = (6 - 3)x = 3x

Next, let's combine the terms with "y":

4y + 10y = (4 + 10)y = 14y

Now, we can rewrite the simplified expression:

6x + 4y - 3x + 10y = 3x + 14y

So, the answer is 3x + 14y, not 9x - 6y.