How many representative particles are in 2.5 mol H2O2?

Representative particles? Atoms?

There are 2.5*avagnumber*4 atoms
There are 2.5*avagnumber molecules of H2O2

To determine the number of representative particles in 2.5 mol of H2O2, we need to understand that 1 mole of any substance contains 6.022 x 10^23 representative particles. These representative particles can be atoms, molecules, ions, or formula units depending on the substance.

In this case, 2.5 mol of H2O2 can be converted to representative particles using Avogadro's number. Avogadro's number represents the number of particles (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.) in one mole of a substance, and its value is approximately 6.022 x 10^23.

So, to find the number of representative particles in 2.5 mol of H2O2, we can use the following calculation:

Number of representative particles = 2.5 mol * (6.022 x 10^23 particles/mol)

Let's do the math:

Number of representative particles = 2.5 * (6.022 x 10^23)
= 15.055 x 10^23
= 1.5055 x 10^24

Therefore, there are approximately 1.5055 x 10^24 representative particles in 2.5 mol of H2O2.