You drill a well to a depth of 100-m. Find the difference in water pressure, comparing the top and bottom of the well

the metric unit of pressure is the Pascal (Pa) ... one Newton of force over one square meter

a cubic meter of water has a mass of a thousand kg (a metric ton)
... it exerts a force of 9.81 kN

stacked 100 high, the pressure at the bottom is ... 981 kPa

take a 1 inch area pipe down.


To find the difference in water pressure between the top and bottom of a well, we can use the concept of hydrostatic pressure. The hydrostatic pressure in a fluid, such as water, is directly proportional to its depth.

The equation for hydrostatic pressure is given by:

P = ρ * g * h

P is the pressure,
ρ is the density of the fluid,
g is the acceleration due to gravity, and
h is the height or depth of the fluid column.

In this case, since we're comparing the top and bottom of the well, the height or depth (h) is equal to the 100 meters.

The density of water, ρ, is approximately 1000 kg/m^3.

The acceleration due to gravity, g, is approximately 9.8 m/s^2.

Now we can calculate the pressure difference:

P(top) = ρ * g * h(top)
P(bottom) = ρ * g * h(bottom)

where h(top) is 0 meters (surface) and h(bottom) is 100 meters (bottom of the well).

Thus, the pressure difference is:

ΔP = P(bottom) - P(top)
= (ρ * g * h(bottom)) - (ρ * g * h(top))
= ρ * g * (h(bottom) - h(top))

Plugging in the values:

ΔP = (1000 kg/m^3) * (9.8 m/s^2) * (100 m - 0 m)
= 980,000 N/m^2

Therefore, the difference in water pressure between the top and bottom of the well is 980,000 N/m^2, which is equivalent to 980,000 Pascal (Pa) or 9.8 bars.