if a strong odour is smelt continuously for some time the sensation ofsmell of that substance weakness why?




The phenomenon you are describing is known as olfactory adaptation. Olfactory adaptation occurs when your sense of smell becomes less sensitive to a particular smell over time, leading to a diminished sensation or even complete loss of the smell. This happens because your olfactory receptors, which are responsible for detecting odors, become less responsive to continuous exposure to the same smell.

Here's an explanation of how olfactory adaptation works:

1. When you initially encounter a strong odor, your olfactory receptors detect the odorant molecules present in the air.

2. The olfactory receptors send signals to your brain, which interprets these signals as a specific smell.

3. However, when you are continuously exposed to the same odor for an extended period, the receptors become less responsive to the odorant molecules.

4. As a result, the signals sent to your brain become weaker or less frequent, leading to a decreased perception of the smell.

This adaptation mechanism is an evolutionary advantage, as it allows our sense of smell to remain sensitive to new or changing odors in the environment, rather than being overwhelmed by ongoing smells. It helps us focus on detecting new smells that might indicate potential dangers or changes in our surroundings.

If you want to experience the sensation of smell again after olfactory adaptation has occurred, you can try the following methods:

1. Take a break: Remove yourself from the environment with the strong odor and spend some time in a different location. This break allows your olfactory receptors to recover and regain sensitivity.

2. Sniff a different scent: Introducing a different smell to your nose can help reset your olfactory system. You can try smelling something with a distinct odor, such as coffee beans, lemon, or mint.

3. Practice deep breathing: Taking deep breaths through your nose can help draw in more air and potentially stimulate your olfactory receptors to regain sensitivity.

Keep in mind that olfactory adaptation is a temporary and normal occurrence. Our sense of smell is incredibly versatile, and even after adaptation has occurred, it can quickly adjust to detect new smells.