Construct a parallelogram ABCD, where AB=7cm ,AC =9cm and /_A = 75°

you can construct a 60° angle, I'm sure. (make an equilateral triangle)

Bisect that twice and you have a 15° angle

Construct a right angle and subtract the 15° angle from that. Now you have your 75° angle, so just draw that angle with the sides as given above. That is half your parallelogram.


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कफ8cohcyzt9फ्ट्झ झोप पू उल

To construct a parallelogram ABCD, where AB = 7cm, AC = 9cm, and ∠A = 75°, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment AB of length 7cm.
Step 2: Using a protractor, measure ∠A at point A from line segment AB. Since ∠A = 75°, use the protractor to draw a line at point A that is 75° from AB.
Step 3: From point A, measure a line segment AC of length 9cm along the line you just drew.
Step 4: From point C, use a ruler to draw a line segment parallel to AB. This line should be 7cm in length since it is parallel to AB.
Step 5: From point B, use a ruler to draw a line segment parallel to AC. This line should be 9cm in length since it is parallel to AC.
Step 6: Finally, connect the endpoints of the line segments you drew to form the parallelogram ABCD.

Note: In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal in length and opposite angles are equal in measure.