Which of the following statements is false ?

a) S is negative when water condenses at 100oC
b) Ssurroundings is positive when water condenses at 100oC
c) Suniverse is equal to zero when water condenses at 990C
d) Suniverse increases when water condenses at 110oC

To determine which statement is false, we need to understand the concept of entropy change (∆S) during the process of water condensation at different temperatures.

a) Statement a) says that ∆S is negative when water condenses at 100°C. In the process of condensation at a fixed temperature, the ∆S value is typically negative because the liquid state has lower entropy than the corresponding gas state. Thus, statement a) is true.

b) Statement b) says that ∆S surroundings is positive when water condenses at 100°C. The ∆S surroundings depends on the temperature of the surroundings. In the case of water condensation, the surroundings typically gain heat when vapor condenses into liquid, resulting in an increase in ∆S surroundings. Therefore, statement b) is also true.

c) Statement c) claims that ∆S universe is equal to zero when water condenses at 99°C. The entropy change of the universe (∆S universe) is the sum of the entropy change of the system (∆S system) and the entropy change of the surroundings (∆S surroundings). Since both the system and the surroundings experience a change in entropy during condensation, it is unlikely that ∆S universe would be zero. Thus, statement c) is false.

d) Statement d) suggests that ∆S universe increases when water condenses at 110°C. As mentioned before, when water condenses, both the system and surroundings experience an increase in entropy (∆S). Therefore, ∆S universe would indeed increase during the condensation process. Hence, statement d) is true.

In summary, the false statement is c) ∆Suniverse is equal to zero when water condenses at 99°C.