What is an example of internal sovereignty?

Would the Third Reich and the SS be considered an example?

thank you!

No. A country with internal sovereignty is that has a popularly elected government.


At this time, the internal sovereignty of the U.S. is in question. Because Ms. Clinton won the popular vote, but Mr. Trump won the electoral college vote, our internal sovereignty is in question.

According to the Democratic index, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland are among the top democratic countries.


No. A country with internal sovereignty is one that has a popularly elected government.


Internal sovereignty refers to the full authority and control a government has over its territory, including the ability to make and enforce laws within its borders without interference from external powers. An example of internal sovereignty can be found in a situation where the government has complete control over its own affairs without any external interference.

Regarding your question about the Third Reich and the SS, while the Third Reich controlled a significant part of Europe during World War II, it is important to note that the Third Reich was not an example of internal sovereignty. The Nazi regime was expanding its power and influence through aggressive military campaigns and occupation of other territories. This expansion was marked by conquest and control over occupied territories, rather than internal sovereignty.

The SS, or Schutzstaffel, which was an elite paramilitary organization within the Nazi Party, played a major role in carrying out the Nazi regime's policies, including the Holocaust. However, even though the SS had significant power and influence within Nazi Germany, it was a part of the Nazi regime and not an example of internal sovereignty on its own.

In summary, an example of internal sovereignty would be a situation where a government has complete control over its own territory, making and enforcing laws without interference from external powers. The Third Reich and the SS, while influential during World War II, do not exemplify internal sovereignty as they involved conquest, control over occupied territories, and were part of a larger regime rather than an independent sovereign entity.