Choose the correct function for "to the orthodontists office" from the sentence below: my friend cooper needs to go to the orthodontists office on wednesday because one of his brackets is loose *

adjective prepositional phrase
infinitive phrase
appositive phrase
adverb prepositional phrase***my choice


Your choice is incorrect. The correct function for "to the orthodontist's office" in the given sentence is a prepositional phrase.

To identify the function of a phrase, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the phrase: In this case, "to the orthodontist's office" is the phrase.

2. Determine the type of phrase: The phrase starts with the preposition "to" and includes a noun ("office"). Therefore, it is a prepositional phrase.

3. Identify the function: The prepositional phrase "to the orthodontist's office" is functioning as an adverb, providing additional information about where Cooper needs to go. It answers the question "where?".

Remember that an adverbial prepositional phrase modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb, providing information about time, place, manner, or reason.

So, the correct answer is "adverb prepositional phrase."