61 times a number minus 83 is equal to -59 less than a number

write equation

61n - 83 = n - 59

is -61 less than or equal to x

Let's assume the number as 'x'.

61 times the number, which is 61x, minus 83, is equal to -59 less than the number, which is x-59.

Therefore, the equation is:

61x - 83 = x - 59

To write the equation for the given problem, let's assign a variable to the unknown number. Let's call the number "x."

The phrase "61 times a number" can be translated to 61x.

The phrase "minus 83" indicates that we need to subtract 83 from the product of 61 and the number. So, we have 61x - 83.

The phrase "is equal to" indicates that we need to set this expression equal to something.

The phrase "-59 less than a number" can be translated to x - 59.

Putting everything together, we have the equation:

61x - 83 = x - 59