The part of a person's self-conceop that is based on identification with a nation, culture, group or gender is called:

A. Social identity
B. Social stereotype
C. Tacit identity
D. Social concept
I chose d is this correct

Either D or A ... not sure which.

agree with A

The correct answer to the question is A. Social identity.

When faced with a multiple-choice question like this, it's important to analyze each option to determine the best possible answer. Let's break down the options:

A. Social identity: This option seems to directly align with the question's description as it mentions identification with a nation, culture, group, or gender.

B. Social stereotype: This option refers to preconceived beliefs or assumptions about a particular group of people based on their characteristics. Although there may be some overlap with social identity, it doesn't capture the complete essence of the question.

C. Tacit identity: This term describes a person's unconscious or unspoken identity, which doesn't quite encompass the idea of identification with a nation, culture, group, or gender.

D. Social concept: While this option may sound plausible, it is a bit too broad and doesn't specifically address the aspects mentioned in the question.

Therefore, based on the analysis, the best answer choice is A. Social identity, as it aligns perfectly with the description given by the question.